Your Video Editing Skills Can Become Your Career At TTI!

Video Editing is the process of planning, capturing and combining footage, audio and sometimes motion graphics to convey a message or tell a story.

Aside from its educational and entertainment uses, video is an essential marketing tool for businesses, nonprofits, organizations, schools, and individuals alike. 

Our licensed and experienced TTI Careers instructors will guide you on your Video Editing journey. You will receive 124 hours of face-to-face classroom instruction with a professionally designed, two-semester curriculum. That’s five intensive months of learning both phases of video editing. We will dive into pre-production, including scripting, different shots, shot lists, lighting, and setting up a shoot. We’ll cover post-production, including processing and editing using Premiere Pro so you can produce your own reel to graduate with, as well as client relationships.

TTI Careers uses a uniquely developed curriculum created to offer our students the most relevant tools in video editing.

Program features:

Live online classesBuilt-in Flexibility for Yom Tov

Job Placement

Find Out More Information Today

Call: 877-RING-TTI

Email: [email protected]

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