What would the Jewish life in 2022 look without Artscroll?

What would the Jewish life in 2022 look like without Artscroll?

The access? The accuracy? The pleasant typesetting? R’ Meir Zlotowitz set the standard.

Virtually every single Jewish home and shul has something from Artscroll. Be it a siddur, chumash, tehillim, novel, children’s book, cookbook, machzor, bentcher or something else. And what about the vast world of Kiruv Rechokim, the scope of which would have been impossible without the tools ArtScroll has provided?!


Founded in 1976 by R’ Meir Zlotowitz, Artscroll had it’s ups and downs in it’s early years. R’ Meir was a close talmid of Rav Moshe Feinstein ztz”l who encouraged him to press on. Along the way, Rav Dovid Feinstein ztz”l even lent Artscroll tens of thousands of dollars in order to meet project goals while covering payroll. To Rav Dovid, Artscroll meant enabling Klal Yisroel to grow in Torah and Avodah despite any challenges.

R’ Meir Zlotowitz was blessed with an exceptional set of talents. He was kind and caring, but had a passion for perfection coupled with the utmost respect for Torah and it’s Gedolim. These combined to leading the team that produces the most accurate and clear treatments of Talmud, Tefillah, and so many other works, in English, Hebrew, and more.

He worked exceptionally hard to raise the level of Jewish literature, and even simply making the standard siddur and chumash more pleasant to use for every single Jew.

Rav Dovid Feinstein ztz”l felt that there could be no more befitting a tribute than to write a Sefer Torah where every single Jew could show his or her Hakoras HaTov to R’ Meir for his efforts.

He insisted that it be just $10 per letter, so that each of us could afford to express the Hakoras HaTov of each member of our family.

The proceeds are dedicated to “The Rosh Yeshiva’s Fund” of Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem/Yeshiva of Staten Island, where they will be used to assist the Rabbeim, capital projects, and other unique needs.


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