Important Update: Hagaon Dayan Aharon Dovid Dunner to Provide an Update on the Ukrainian Aliyah at a Special Event

Important Update: Hagaon Dayan Aharon Dovid Dunner, Shlita from London will be in the U.S. this Tuesday Evening (July 19) to Provide an Update on the Ukrainian Aliyah at a Special Event.

We have all heard about the tremendous needs of the thousands of Ukrainian refugees who has escaped to Eretz Yisroel. While they may have escaped Ukraine, what happens next? Who is providing basic needs for these families? Who is helping ensure that these innocent young Ukrainian Neshamos will go to a Torah school instead of a secular Israeli public school?

Join Hagaon Dayan Aharon Dovid Dunner shlita this Tuesday night, July 19th, for an update on the Ukrainian Aliyah and learn about some of the work that Shuvu is doing to help integrate these families and children into Torah schools. Receive an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the tremendous amount of young Ukrainian children who are now attending Shuvu Torah schools all across Eretz Yisroel, instead of attending secular public schools. Learn what you can do to be part of these superhuman efforts to help ensure that Shuvu will continue being successful in providing for the material and spiritual needs for the thousands of families who are part of the Ukrainian Aliyah. 

This special event takes place this Tuesday night, and will be hosted by Gedaliah and Rachael Weinberger at their home on 1757 East 23rd Street, with a BBQ by Michael Schick Catering. Reception is at 7:00, Mincha at 8:00, and the Program at 8:20.

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