Esther Bas Chaya diagnosed and her daughter became a Kallah

Dear brothers and sisters

I never thought that as the greatest day of my life would approach , I would be in a sea of worry and panic. I did not believe that I would have to reach out for help to provide the basic needs for my wedding. 

My mother’s debilitating illness that makes her unable to function and the strain that it puts on my father. Please daven for my mother, – Esther Bas Chaya. My father is a true tzaddik in torah, middos and avodas Hashem and helping me is helping him and my mother too. 

I beg of every Jewish soul to please open your heart and donate whatever possible to my wedding fund.You have an incredible opportunity to invest in the great mitzvah of hachnosas kallah, and you will be wiping away the bitter tears from my eyes. DONATE NOW!

In the zechus of helping me, Hashem should send you shefa and hatzlacha in all areas of life in good health and simchas in your family with happiness and ease devoid from any tzaar and problems. עד מאה ועשרים שנה

Tizku limitzvos.



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