Her only hope for life is treatment in a private cancer clinic

Save Rikki today!

Whenever I’d walk with Rikki in the street, people smiled. 

She was the perfect China doll with golden curls, intelligent sky-blue eyes, pink cheeks and a sunny smile that made the world smile back. 

But then, she got sick, and she stopped smiling.

My little Rikki was diagnosed with a severe case of leukemia.

Now, when I wheel her down the corridor in the hospital, 

the only smiles we receive are those laced with pity.

Except for the intelligent, sky-blue eyes, there’s no sign of the beautiful Rikki that we all knew and loved.

Her golden curls are gone; her soft rosy cheeks are pale and sunken. 

Her body is swollen from treatment and steroids.

And hardest of all, she doesn’t have the energy to even muster a smile.

She’s so sad. Everything hurts. Her frail body is barely withstanding the aggressive treatment.

We live in Ukraine, and the hospital here lacks the cutting-edge medicine and equipment that Rikki needs to survive. 

Save Rikki today!

She’s in critical condition, and we’re running out of time.

The doctors are warning us that if we don’t transfer her soon to a better hospital, it will be too late!

They told us that Rikki’s best option—at this point, our only option—is to transfer her to a private cancer clinic.

And pay privately, out of pocket, for her treatment.

But this is Rikki’s only hope to live!

There is no way in the world that we can afford to cover her treatment alone, but we can’t let our daughter down.

Which is why we have no choice but to beg you for help.

Please save our little Rikki! She’s our only child.

Join us in the fight for Rikki’s life!

Help us bring her home.

Save Rikki today!

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