Get Behind the Scenes of the Dynamic Kashrus World! – STAR-K to Restart Training Seminars this Summer

After a hiatus from their regular programming due to Covid, the STAR-K summer training seminars are finally back in full swing. There are two seminars offered, both at STAR-K headquarters. The first is a four day program which provides rabbonim, certifying agency administrators, kollel members, and others serving in klei kodesh, the opportunity to meet the personalities behind the internationally recognized and trusted STAR-K symbol. Attendees will be provided with a hands-on, practical application of the Shulchan Aruch, and learn how to structure a kashrus organization, along with the ins and outs of kashrus challenges at various venues. The dates are July 25-28, 2022 click here to apply.

The second is an intensive three-day seminar with in-depth training program for those currently involved – or who are interested in becoming involved – as mashgichim in the foodservice industry (e.g., restaurants and catering). The course deals in depth with all the various issues and skills a mashgiach requires in order to work effectively in all types of settings – restaurants, catering halls, hotels, Shabbos, Yom Tov, etc. It also offers training and certification in bug checking. The dates are August 1-3, 2022, click here to apply.

STAR-K is also actively looking to hire mashgichim in various capacities from both of these courses. Interested in actually getting a job? Apply now!

Only limited space in both programs so apply now!

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