Torah Thrives in Memphis, Tennessee

Up until six years ago, Memphis, TN boasted 4 Orthodox shuls, an Orthodox day school, 2 mikvaos, and a warm and close-knit community, famous for its hospitality. It was a wonderful community but there was something missing. In 2016, a group of local families came together and had a vision. That visionwas The Memphis Kollel.

In the six years since its inception, the Memphis Kollel has changed the landscape of the Memphis Jewish community. As the result of their own learning and an ever-growing number of learning opportunities and programming, the Kollel has created a movement of Torah learning – a movement that spans a wide range of ages, backgrounds and affiliations. Sunday morning Lox n learns, Tuesday Night Beis medrash night, the Semichat Chaver Program (SCP), Legal holiday shiurim, monthly shiurim for women, and their one- on-one learning sessions are just some of the many learning opportunities that the Kollel has provided. 

“What is particularly exciting to me is our recent focus on the youth of the community,” explained Rabbi Shmuel Fromowitz, Memphis Kollel Director of Community Programming. “We offer a variety of new youth programs that aim to inspire the children and teens towards a lifelong passion and commitment toTorah and Mitzvos.”

Today, on July 18th, the Kollel is launching an online campaign that is critical for the Kollel’s future.
Over the next 36-hours, the Kollel is trying to raise $350,000. Thanks to a generous group of matchers, during this campaign, every donation will be DOUBLED.If you would like to make a donation to the campaign, go to TODAY.

The Memphis Kollel is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

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