Help Rabbi YY celebrate his 50th birthday!

Dear beloved friends. 

In anticipation of my upcoming 50th birthday, it gives me great pleasure to announce to you my birthday resolution. 

I consider myself very blessed to be able to do what I do, knowing that the work we do helps hundreds of thousands of people, and inspires them in their daily lives.

My resolution, as I approach this personal milestones, is to expand with G-d’s grace our efforts tenfold.

If reaching hundreds of thousands of people was great, would reaching millions of people not be greater?

I turn to you, my friends, and I’m truly humbled when I inform you of a bold upcoming fundraising initiative, truly the first and only of its kind. 


The purpose of this campaign is to help and assist as we grow our impact and reach across the globe.

In this “pre campaign” notice, I invite you to visit our page and consider creating a team page, thereby partnering with me in this endeavor, or at the very least by making a donation.

My mentor, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, whose yartzeit is this coming Shabbos, dedicated himself to the idea that “no soul be left behind.”

My resolution is to perpetuate that concept evermore, and I hope you will consider partnering with me!


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