Why He’s Not Wearing A Suit To His Bar Mitzvah

Shmuel Meirson shifts uncomfortably in his classroom seat. He struggles to pay attention to the teacher. Instead, his mind goes to what he has been through in his 12 years.

Just a month ago, he was sitting next to his father, as he died in his hospital bed. For months, Shmuel had come to talk with his Abba, and watched him waste away. “I promise,” said his mother with tears streaming down her face. She was promising her husband on her deathbed that she would take care of Shmuel. They had waited 13 years to have a child, and now the devastated and ghostly young father had to say goodbye. They all cried in each other’s arms. Rabbi Meirson passed away at just 38 years old. 

Back to reality. An invitation is plopped down on his desk. Another invitation for a classmate’s Bar Mitzvah. Shmuel knows that he will not go – It’s too embarrassing. His own bar mitzvah is coming up and they can’t even afford to get him a suit. He hears his Mom on the phone crying. She says they can’t even afford rent. She says everything they had went toward trying to save his Abba’s life. 

Now it’s Shmuel and his mother who need saving.

A Chesed Fund page is collecting donations to help Mrs. Meirson pay her basic bills, and give Shmuel the simple Bar Mitzvah essentials that his classmates will have. Right now, their need is urgent – They are drowning in medical debt, and have no way to put food on the table. Readers can help here for a limited time. 

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