Come to Yeshiva Derech Hatorah of Monsey, A New Yeshiva Where Your Son Will Develop A Love of Torah, Learning, & Yiddishkeit!

As parents, we have a path we envision for our children.

We want our kids to have strong yiras shamayim and love for torah learning. We look for a high quality, caring yeshiva, where they can achieve excellence in their studies, in bein adam lemakom, and bein adam lechaveiro.

Yeshiva Derech Hatorah of Monsey was established to provide just such an environment. Children will Iy”H grow to love learning, Torah, & yiddishkeit. Parents will become proud partners in planting the seeds and building the foundation for their children’s future.

Yeshiva Derech Hatorah of Monsey will offer a balanced curriculum that will help your child succeed! We will ensure our talmidim reach the highest possible standards in limudei kodesh, as well as offering a stellar limudei chol program.

YDHM aims to imbue in students yiras shamayim, a love of Torah learning and practice, to develop self-esteem, resilience, confidence and good middos. We look forward to building strong partnerships with parents, working together toward our students’ success and happiness, in school and beyond.

The Menahel, Rabbi Sheftel Skaist, has been in chinuch for over 25 years. He holds a semicha in safrus and a Masters degree in Educational Administration and Supervision. Rabbi Skaist has experience teaching children of all ages and adults in limudei kodesh and limudei chol, with strong organizational skills, creativity, and a warm personality. He has established, managed, consulted, and mentored in various yeshivos, working with and empowering children and adults to develop in their respective roles as talmidim and mechanchim. 

Mrs. Henny Kohn, YDHM’s consultant, is a master mechaneches who has spent decades establishing and managing preschool programs in various yeshivos. As a mentor, many of those she trained grew to become sought-after, superstar moros. Mrs. Kohn’s educational philosophy is very much aligned with YDHM and she has the experience, drive, and know-how to establish a program and create a preschool like no other!

Mrs. Kohn will be working with Rabbi Skaist to set the preschool curriculum, arrange the physical classroom space and materials, train preschool staff over the summer, and mentor them throughout the year. 

YDHM’s Vaad Hachinuch is comprised of Horav Elya Brudny, Shlita, Rabbi Chaim Schabes, Shlita, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Reidel, Shlita, and Rabbi Dovid Rube, Shlita.

YDHM is starting with kindergarten for 2022-2023. Pre1A will follow in 2023-2024, and  continuing I”YH with a full elementary.

Sounds like YDHM is the right fit for your son? Click HERE to learn more. You can also reach out via email at [email protected] or call 845-777-YDHM.

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