Yissacher-Zevulan Partnership For Just $1,000/Year Or $84/Month!

About Kollel Zichron Dov V’Yosef:

A year after Covid there was a Kollel crisis in the city of Beitar Illit: there were 100’s of weddings every month but with the borders closed, the kollelim at large were not accepting new yungerleit.

A few Ballabatim got together with Rabbanim and determined that this is just as much hatzlas nefoshos as it is hachzakas hatorah, as a newlywed with no place is terrible for his shalom and the future house he would like to build in klal yisroel.

We opened after last pesach, 15 months ago, by providing seed money to roshei kollelim to accept more yungerleit.

The cost to sponsor a yungerman is just $1000 A YEAR per seder.


How is it so cheap?

We pay 1000 shekel a seder (this is the going rate). The Israeli Government pays ~400 shekel, and the remainder we split with our Roshei Kollelim: they take responsibility for ~300 shekel, and we provide 300 shekel.

15 months in, we have close to 600 yungerliet in 25+ kollelim.

We urge Klal Yisroel to join this great cause, and bare the burden with us to not only strengthen and support Torah learning but also ensures that for generations Torah remains strong in Eretz Yisroel.

All donations are tax deductible, tax ID 46-4301263

To dedicate, name, and sponsor a full kollel for $18,000 contact us here.


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