Finally! “Our Chaburah” provides a Real Opportunity for Young Business Men in Boro Park

In the midst of all the chaos, busyness, and responsibilities every young man has on a daily basis, being Koaveya Itim requires a much greater effort. Finding the time to learn every day is a challenge in and of itself. However needing to find a shiur, chavrusa, makom torah, etc.. that you can connect to, enhances that challenge greatly.

Are you desiring to learn a daily Gemara regimen but Daf Yomi is overwhelming for you? This may be your solution!!

Our Chaburah addresses each and every one of those challenges plus much more.

Nestled in quiet corner of Boro Park is hidden a wonderful Chaburah of growth oriented young professionals hailing from all over the states. These men have formed a Chaburah / Shul where they flourish in Ruchniyus and beyond, and enjoy great Achdus under the leadership of Rabbi Meir Shimon Eisenberger. 

(See for more details)

Every morning at 6:10 some of the young men gather to learn the “Oraysah program”. Basically a Gemara – Amud LeYom, Monday – Thursday initiative. 

(See for more details)

Rabbi Aaron Perlow a notable Magid Shiur delivers a dynamic, crystal clear Amud-Shiur in English – followed by Shachris.

We are pleased to announce the commencement of Maseches Pesachim this coming Wednesday morning June 22 – כ״ג סיון, and invite you to join this awesome initiative.

For more information please contact Eli Schwartz at: +1 (718) 759-7011

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