Bikur Cholim of Toronto: It’s Everything!

Bikur Cholim of Toronto is always there, for everything. Physically. Emotionally. Spiritually.We have now undertaken a new initiative to write and dedicate a sefer torah to be used by the cholim in our community.Now, we ask you to be there for us, as we raise $500,000 to support our services.

Our services include:

Ateret Zekeinim

Referrals and subsidies to clients for caregivers

Nutritious Kosher Meals 

Delicious meals delivered to hospital patients, family members at their bedsides and to the home-bound. 

Kosher Pantries

Cabinets and pantries, fully stocked  with nonperishable food items in 9 GTA hospitals. 


Volunteers receive professional  training and support, enabling them to provide meaningful, appropriate visits.

Seniors’ Programming

Weekly get-togethers, in-person and online, to combat isolation.

Social Services

Assessments, counseling and case management, individualized for each need.


Gently used, quality Women’s Wear offered year round, in a boutique-like setting. Brand new Children’s clothes available twice a year.

Shabbos and Yom Tov 

Bikur Cholim provides patients in hospitals and other facilities with Shabbos and Yom Tov needs, including battery operated candelabras, Shofar blowing, Megillah reading, Seder plates, etc.


Wheelchair accessible bus to transport patients.

Pandemic Relief

Responding to the challenges posed by Covid 19, Bikur Cholim provided IPads and Well Tablets to seniors and hospital patients.               

Medical Equipment

A complete line of medical equipment is available for patients’ needs


Bikur Cholim hosts family members of patients in fully furnished apartments and houses near the following facilities:

The Downtown Hospitals, North York General Hospital, Sunnybrook Hospital and Humber River Hospital.

Your donation of $500 and above, is tax deductible, and will receive a U.S. receipt.


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