This Motzei Shabbos: Oorahthon 2022

It’s the biggest night of the year! Win over $650,000 in prizes, participate in the fun, and help support an amazing organization at this year’s Oorahthon.

Make sure to tune in for this wildly dynamic, inspirational, and entertaining event. With a hilarious new game, a live hookup to one of Oorah’s kiruv events (going on at the same time as Oorahthon!), a moving tribute to Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein, and surprise celebrity appearances, you know you’ll be riveted! Watch live at, or listen live at 718-557-0505. You can also tune in on Metro NY WSNR 620 AM, WJPR 1640 AM, or Lakewood WMDI 107.9.

If you haven’t yet entered Oorah Auction, there’s still time! You can still enter before it’s too late at!

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