Bubby is unconscious in the ICU. Is there anybody we can call for help?

It’s early morning and Shlomo Levy is in the ICU  fighting for his life. The tangled maze of wires running across his body, and the cacophony of beeping monitors in the background, are testament that despite his very dismal prognosis, Shlomo is still struggling to hang on.

Just a few feet away, behind a thin curtain, there’s another battle being waged for Shlomo’s life. This one by his devoted son, who finds himself pushed against the wall by a seemingly disheartened medical team who have decided that the end has come.

When clearly, it hadn’t.

Every day, Chayim Aruchim fields calls from confused family members who want the best care for their loved ones. But when it comes to end-of-life care, the phrase ‘best medical care’ takes on a shade of gray. 

Families fighting for their loved ones need to make excruciating decisions, often caught between their desire to fight for their loved one’s life, and the opinion of the medical team who thinks the best course of action is to end it. 


In a world where hospitals are no longer synonymous with life-saving, where doctors will often try to convince patients to limit their end-of-life care, having the proper guidance is crucial. Often, families are dealing with a medical staff who sees a patient with a poor prognosis as an unnecessary burden. 

Chayim Aruchim’s medically-trained team of halachic experts helps families facing tough medical or end-of-life decisions choose the best path forward — medically and halachically. Our halachic authorities represent every community across the spectrum of Orthodoxy, and will compassionately guide every family as to their best course of action. We refer them to the right medical facilities for their needs, and when needed, advocate on their behalf to the medical team. 

The last few years have shown us, more than ever, the power the medical establishment holds. With hospital policies changing every day and fewer visitors allowed in, it is the worst time to find yourself unprepared and clueless. Education can make all the difference when it comes to medical crises.

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MOST IMPORTANTLY: If you are dealing with a medically fragile or elderly family member, or have a loved one in the hospital, reach out to our 24-hour phone hotline by calling 718- ARUCHIM (718-278-2446) or visit www.chayimaruchim.com today.

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