There is one treatment abroad that can stop the cancer and save Tzviki’s life!

How does life fall apart so quickly???

Three months ago, our lives were idyllic. Life was smooth, we were happy, and our home abounded with smiles and laughter.

And then, one dark day, our world collapsed.

Our precious 4-year-old Tzviki returned home one day from cheider and complained of pain in his legs. Our family doctor prescribed antibiotics and told us it would pass.

But it didn’t. Not at all. And it only got worse…

Tzviki continued complaining, and when neither painkillers nor antibiotics were effective, we were sent for testing and discovered the worst of all…

The cancer, which had started in his leg, had already spread to his stomach and spine.

Doctors predict the worst, professing that it’s only a matter of time before it spreads to the nerves and destroys his ability to walk forever!

And that’s the “best case scenario.” Because the chances of Tzviki’s recovery are next to nil.


HOW CAN IT BE? My baby, my precious little boy! My adorable, mischievous, playful, smiley Tzviki …

The cancer is slowly and silently taking over his entire little body, sucking the life out of our darling little boy…

I hope this will be the letter that ends all suffering! I pray that no mother should ever endure the excruciating agony of gazing at her son lying in a bed far too big for him and not knowing how much longer he has in this world…

Every time he cries that it hurts, I promise him that he’ll feel better soon. And every time, I cringe at the lie.

Dear friends! Never did I imagine that I’d be forced to reach out to you for help.

But never in my worst nightmares did I dream that I’d be fighting for my child’s life!

There is one treatment abroad that can stop the cancer and save Tzviki’s life!

Please, help us! I can’t continue lying to him and promising him that, soon, soon, he’ll be better.

I can’t live with myself knowing that I didn’t do everything, everything, to save his life!

With your help, we can fly Tzviki abroad and give him his very last chance to heal and walk out of the hospital on two legs.

With your support, we can save Tzviki’s life!

Your donation = Tzviki’s life!Please daven for
נתן צבי בן טובה בתוך שאר חולי ישראלPlease click here to save Tzviki’s life

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