“I Beg Of You”: Emotional Letter From Rav Asher Weiss

The lives of a well-respected Talmid Chochom’s family from Eretz Yisroel were thrown into chaos when in the span of only six months, they married off two children and are about to marry off a third. Although marrying off children is a wonderful bracha, making so many simchas in such a short span of time is financially dangerous, no matter how simple the wedding may be.

According to Rav Asher Weiss Shlitta, the family comes from modest means and is now struggling to pay the most basic expenses. The Vaad HaRabbanim has quickly put together an emergency campaign in an attempt to help this respected family who is about to sink under the dangerous waters of debt.

“The kallah is also an orphan and her family is not able to help at all,” wrote Rav Asher Weiss in an emotional haskama.

“It is an enormous mitzvah to help this great and modest talmid chacham, to bring his son under the chuppah, and a double mitzvah in helping an orphaned kallah to get married. Please have mercy on this dear person and come to his aid urgently. Your merit is multiplied in Shamayim to be blessed with everything good. I beg of you.”

Those who are interested in partaking in this urgent and special cause can join Rav Asher Weiss’s mission by donating here.

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