The Pittsburgh Kollel: The Heartbeat of a Community- Renowned Kollel to Celebrate Grand Chag Hasemicha

It’s astounding what a kollel can mean to a community.

In the case of the Pittsburgh Kollel, it means everything.

The Pittsburgh Kollel, also known as the Kollel Jewish Learning Center or Kollel Beis Yitzchok, has, since 1977, served as a center of Torah learning and teaching for the entire Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. From full-time yungeleit and chavrusa learning to an open bais medrash and classes for adults and children, the kollel is a bustling center of Torah and inspiration.

The kollel, in the words of one beneficiary of this inspiration, serves as the “heartbeat” of the Pittsburgh community.

The Pittsburgh Kollel was one of the first out-of-town kollelim to open outside of the Tri-State area, seeking to spread the beauty and depth of Torah and Jewish life. In short order, the kollel became a central location for high-level Torah learning, impacting the surrounding community through programs and shiurim, but, perhaps more importantly, through the close connections forged between the local residents and the roshei kollel and yungeleit.

Chashivus haTorah, ahavas haTorah, yiras Shomayim – this is where people get it,” says rosh kollel Rabbi Levi Langer.

“The kollel is the centerpiece of Pittsburgh, not just geographically, but ruchniyus-wise,” says s’gan rosh kollel Rabbi Doniel Schon.

“There is always a vibrant atmosphere of Torah learning at the kollel,” says kollel president Mr. Fishy Milch. “People can – and do – come in to the kollel at any time of the day or night, and the energy they encounter envelopes them, filling them with joy in being a Yid and a desire to grow in Torah and mitzvos. The kollel yungeleit enthusiastically study Torah, and that energy and passion spread to the greater community.”

Kollel Connections, a division of the kollel, is led by Rabbi Chananel Y. Shapiro, whose efforts are focused on connecting with the younger demographic of the Pittsburgh community.

“We forge a unique kesher with young professionals through learning programs and events,” says Rabbi Shapiro, “getting them more involved in the kollel and in Torah learning. The fruits of our efforts are extremely gratifying, and we see tangibly how powerful the kollel’s influence is.”

In a sense, the Pittsburgh Kollel fills a special niche, as it is home to outstanding yungeleit, who learn at the highest levels, while simultaneously serving as such a welcome venue for community members at varying levels of observance.

“For a kollel to be so impactful in both of these realms is indeed very special,” says Rabbi Schon. “To be able to produce such choshuve talmide chachomim while also engaging in such effective community engagement is a monumental task, but one that speaks to the quality and commitment of our rosh kollel and our exceptional yungeleit.”

The kollel also offers many women’s learning programs, including three weekly shiurim, as well as its popular Women’s Summer Learning Program. “I greatly enjoy the learning options for women in our community and the nice opportunity to get to know people and have real Jewish content,” remarks Susan Jablow, a participant.

The kollel rarely stops its round-the-clock, daily limud haTorah and programs to celebrate its successes and take stock of just how transformative it has been in the community. But the kollel will finally be doing so on Sunday, May 8, when the greater Torah community, from near and far, will be invited to participate in a grand Chag Hasemicha Celebration, paying tribute to the yungeleit of the kollel upon their receipt of Yoreh Yoreh semicha.

The yungeleit devoted themselves b’lev v’nefesh to their study of Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah and were then tested by Rav Moshe Heinemann, renowned posek, rov in Baltimore, and kashrus administrator of the Star-K, who was supremely impressed by the knowledge and understanding of the yungeleit. At the upcoming event, the yungeleit will formally receive their well-deserved semicha, representing their individual accomplishments and the kollel’s continued hatzlacha in producing those who will continue to teach, lead, and inspire.


“Our yungeleit are given the opportunity to grow personally as talmidei chachomim and also to reach out to fellow members of Klal Yisroel and share the wealth and beauty of Torah,” says Rav Langer. “It is no surprise that virtually every one of our yungeleit delivers shiruim to baalei batim, not only teaching and educating, but serving as sterling role models to the members of the community, both young and old.”

The Chag HaSemicha will be held on Sunday, May 8, 2022, at Shaare Torah, 2319 Murray Avenue Pittsburgh, PA with the program beginning at 6:30 PM. The guest speaker will be Rabbi Yissocher Frand shlita, renowned speaker and Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore.


Mark the date for what promises to be an uplifting, inspiring event!

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