Finally! The Marriage Book Klal Yisroel Has Been Waiting For!

Rabbi Shafier’s brand new book release is here to revolutionize the shalom bayis in every home.

The Ten Really Dumb Mistakes That Very Smart Couples Make is already being used by chosson and kallah teachers, frum marriage therapists and community Rabbonim. After widespread demand, this groundbreaking marriage manual is now available to the wider public and is quickly becoming a bestseller.


In the course of counseling countless couples, Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier of The Shmuz began noticing patterns of error- fundamental mistakes that threaten the stability of even healthy marriages. After many years of research, Rabbi Shafier is now ready to share these essential yesodos with you in a brand new book entitled The Ten Really Dumb Mistakes That Very Smart Couples Make. 

The Ten Dumb Mistakes gives both young and experienced couples a new level of understanding of what makes a marriage work. It will coach you on the practical techniques you need to bring a new level of intimacy and love into your marriage- without expensive marriage therapy. Explains Rabbi Shafier ‘It is my fervent hope that through awareness of these common errors, more marriages can become the loving, satisfying relationships that Hashem intended them to be’.


The book has the full backing and haskomos from Roshei Yeshivos such as Rav Zeff Leff shlita, Rav Yechiel Yitzchok Perr shlita and Rav Shlomo Singer shlita:

“This book is a bracha! I can’t say enough praise about it. This is exactly what Klal Yisrael needs. I am a talmid of Rav Aharon Kotler and Rav Moshe Feinstein. I can tell you with certainty that they would have said:  Everyone should read this book. This book can save Klal Yisroel. Both Rav Aharon and Rav Moshe would have hugged you for writing this book.   May you go from Chayil to Chayil!”

 HaRav Shlomo Singer Rosh Yeshiva of Passaic Torah Institute

Make sure that your marriage or the marriage of your loved ones doesn’t succumb to the same painful mistakes that Rabbi Shafier has seen so many others make. Avoid these ten fundamental errors and build the most satisfying relationship imaginable.


 Distributed by Feldheim, The Ten Really Dumb Mistakes That Very Smart Couples Make is available for purchase through as well as your local seforim store.

Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier is the founder of, a life-changing mussar shiur that is available on TorahAnytime, The Shmuz Podcast and The Shmuz App. He has been counseling couples for almost twenty years and is also the author of Stop Surviving Start Living, Finding and Keeping Your Soulmate and Two Worlds, One Chance.

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