$15 million for Klal Yisroel

In a small suburb of England, a mother was crying herself to sleep. For weeks, she’s known Pesach was coming closer — and for weeks, she was dreading the day it would arrive. How to celebrate yom tov when she had no money to buy even a single package of chicken?

On the dusty roads of a community in Eretz Yisroel, a young boy was tense. He was so excited to show his parents the special Haggadah he made in school — but when he brought it home, his parents didn’t smile. How could he know the project reminded them that they had no wine or matza for the seder?


And outside a brick house in New York, a husband took a deep breath before he walked inside. He knew his wife would be waiting. How could he face her with empty hands and no money for yom tov necessities?

Yidden across the globe were struggling to make ends meet before Pesach.

And then, over the last few days, Klal Yisroel came together and raised a historic $15 million dollars for Kimcha D’Pischa. The money was raised through 214 campaigns internationally from 36,930 donors.


In addition, $500,000 in grant funds was provided by major philanthropists and Charidy foundations.

Families can buy wine and matza, prepare delicious yom tov food — and welcome Pesach with simcha. Because they know, feel, and see just how much Klal Yisroel cares.

To them, your generosity made all the difference.

And for that, we thank you.

The campaign is still live. Provide Kimcha D’Pischa for a family in need at charidy.com/kimcha


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