Lead Your Seder in a Way You Never Thought Possible! Ohr Somayach Presents: Pesach 2022 !!

Ohr Somayach Presents
Pesach 2022

Lead Your Seder
In A Way You Never Thought Possible!

6 World Renowned Presenters:

Rabbi Nota Schiller That Relentless Seder

Rabbi Yitzchok Breitowitz The Four Cups of Wine and the Four Enslavements

Rabbi Dovid Kaplan Track A: The Pesach Seder From A to Z   Track B: Bittersweet

Rabbi Akiva Tatz Pesach and the Power to Speak

Rabbi Yitzchak Gettinger Chametz and Matzah – A Tale of Temptation and Infatuation

Rabbi Yehuda Spitz  Seder Insights: Understanding Urchatz, Comprehending Karpas

Come To Your Seder Prepared!

Lead Your Seder With Confidence!

Do It For Yourself! Do It For Your Family!

Access here!

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