Yeshiva of South Florida: Don’t Just Continue Learning, Continue Growing

By Rochelle Maruch Miller, Five Towns Jewish Times

Although some say it takes a village to raise a child, it takes an extraordinary Yeshiva, its gifted Rosh Yeshiva, and dynamic rebbeim to inspire every talmid to discover his inner greatness and develop into a stellar Ben Torah, not only while in Yeshiva, but for life. 

Nestled in a tranquil enclave under the bright skies of Boca Raton, removed from the distractions that beckon, the Yeshiva of South Florida will fulfill the directive of Chazal: ”Haveh Goleh l’Makom Torah,” immerse yourself in an environment and culture of Torah.


Founded by Rabbi Efrem Goldberg of Boca Raton Synagogue, and led by its dynamic Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Yoni Levin, the Yeshiva is designed for high-level learning and continued growth in ruchniyus. 

Warm and welcoming, the Yeshiva will be a nurturing place, where the values and spirit of Torah mold and shape the fabric of everyday life. Yeshiva of South Florida will inculcate talmidim with a deep love for Torah learning, in a setting where they can immerse themselves in limud Torah while offering them the opportunity to simultaneously earn a college degree.

The beautiful campus will enable the talmidim to have a fully integrated Yeshiva experience, living, davening, learning, eating, sleeping and interacting with the amazing rebbeim, all in one place, free of distractions and interruptions and similar to the transformative experience many have in Yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel.. With regular access to rebbeim and the influence of warm kollel avreichim, the talmidim will benefit from a yeshiva environment that won’t only allow them to continue to learn, but to continue to grow.  As part of one yeshiva, living on one campus, and inspired by one team of rebbeim, the talmidim will receive both a highly individualized experience while simultaneously coming together with a tremendous sense of achdus that will only propel and lift their learning and growing. 


The rebbeim are passionate about inspiring the talmidim to thrive and develop into Talmidei Chochomim, Bnei Aliyah, and Bnei Torah for life.

An integral part of the design of the Yeshiva is the strong connection between the Talmidim and the members of the Kollel. These young Talmidei Chochomim will serve as role models and create an environment conducive to immersion in limud Torah in the Yeshiva’s thriving Beis Medrash. Living in close proximity to the Yeshiva, the exemplary Kollel members will cultivate close bonds with the bochurim, inspiring them by example, both inside and outside of the Beis Medrash. 


Led by Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Yoni Levin, Yeshiva of South Florida will be opening its doors for the coming Elul zman. An accomplished Talmid Chochom and distinguished member of the Five Towns community, Rabbi Levin is renowned for his capacity to draw from a wide variety of Torah sources and share them in an organized, compelling, and inspiring fashion. For each of the past ten years, Rabbi Levin has made an annual Siyum HaShas. Rabbi Levin currently serves as the Assistant Rav of Congregation Aish Kodesh in Woodmere. Recently, Rabbi Levin published his first sefer, Libi Omer, on Chanuka topics. In the coming year, Rabbi Levin will be in the Yeshiva during the week (sleeping on campus) and will return to Woodmere for the weekends.

Every aspect of the daily schedule has been planned to provide the talmidim with an extraordinary Yeshiva experience, both in ruchniyus as well as preparing for the future, as  husbands, fathers, and active members of the community.  In addition to three serious sedarim a day, the bochrim will have Halacha Seder in the morning, Mussar Seder in the evening, along with practical Chaburas to help each talmid forge his path in Avodas Hashem and personal growth.  An emphasis will be placed on living a passionate, mindful yiddishkeit, engaging Hashem through Torah, mitzvos, and in every aspect of life.


The Yeshiva week will extend through Shabbos, including a full Shabbos-in-Yeshiva experience. Featuring Friday night Tisches and Melaveh Malkahs with rebbeim, along with Yeshiva davening and Yeshiva Seudos, every Shabbos will be a true Oneg; a celebratory experience each talmid will savor. Off-Yeshiva Shabbosim will be scheduled regularly.

“We are incredibly excited to welcome this intense makom Torah to our community.  While we anticipate that the Yeshiva will draw talmidim from all over, the presence of the Yeshiva and the impact of the Kollel will be felt the most throughout Boca Raton and South Florida,” said Rabbi Goldberg.

For additional information regarding Yeshiva of South Florida or to apply, please visit their website at, or contact Rabbi Simcha Shabtai, Menahel, at [email protected] or 347.439.7031.  

Rochelle Maruch Miller is a contributing editor for the Five Towns Jewish Times. She is a journalist, creative media consultant, lecturer, educator, and writes for magazines, newspapers, websites, and private clients, She welcomes your comments at [email protected]. Read more of Rochelle Maruch Miller’s articles at

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