One Less Thing to Worry About

Being in the hospital with a loved one is extremely difficult any time of the year. But Pesach adds a whole new layer of difficulty to any hospital stay with all the arrangements that need to be made to secure kosher l’Pesach food. 

That’s why the LRBC team works for months before Pesach to ensure that any Jew, no matter where they find themselves over Yom Tov, has food for the sedorim, Yom Tov, and Chol Hamoed. Our goal is to make sure that anyone staying in the hospital over Pesach can cross kosher l’Pesach food off their lists as one less thing to worry about. This incredible initiative is not just for the tristate area. LRBC’s PROJECT USA program delivers food to any facility in the United States.

So if you or anyone you know will be in a hospital over Yom Tov, reach out to LRBC to arrange food deliveries for the duration of your stay. 

24 Hour Hanover Hotline: 732-905-3020

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