Be a Prepared Parent this Pesach – 5782

“We are urged by Chazal to avoid converting an ikar into a tafeil, a primary component into a secondary one. Traditionally, during the days before Pesach, as we are in the throes of the physical and culinary preparations for Chag HaPesach, we tend to neglect – and even overlook altogether – one of the most central aspects of our preparations.

This is the effort to prime ourselves for the chinuch opportunity that is offered through the Seder Leil Pesach – the sharing of ideas, the engaging of our children in the themes of the Yom Tov and more. These areas need to be at the core of our Pesach preparations. Torah Umesorah is happy to assist you in this all-important endeavor.

Tune in to the presentations – the first one, for men and women, and the second for women only – and join the thousands who will be transforming themselves into “Prepared Parents” as we look forward to the joyous Yom Tov that is upon us.”

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