Watch: “She Wasn’t Able To Run Away In Time”

Readers around the world were shocked and saddened this week by the story of the tragic Jerusalem fire which killed 4-year-old Adele Cohen. The Cohen family is sitting shiva now, and a Chesed Fund page has been opened to help them replace their belongings. The fund now includes an  emotional video from Adele’s father, Shimon:



“The fire started suddenly. Adele was right next to it,” says Shimon, his clothing torn from mourning his young daughter. “She wasn’t able to run away in time.”


Shimon also describes attempts to save the girl: “My mother in law tried to save her. 

She went close to the fire. At first she heard Adele crying, then her voice choked off.”


Adele’s loss has been a huge shock to the Geulah community. 

Funds are being raised to help get the Cohens a safe place to stay, clothing, and other basics, as everything they had before was destroyed in the fire.

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