Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes: Adele Cohen, Only 4 Years Old

Spectators stood pointing and screaming in the Geulah neighborhood on Thursday afternoon, as a massive fire tore through an apartment building. Though some stayed back in case of the building’s collapse, one mother remained at the forefront, screaming to be allowed in: Chana Cohen.


Chana’s 4-year-old daughter Adele was inside the building, and firefighters searched frantically for the child. Chana was not allowed entry as it was too dangerous. Tragically, the roof collapsed and Adele was trapped. She passed away just days before her 4th birthday party.


A crowd of devastated mourners escorted the tiny shrouded body of Adele Cohen to her final resting place on Thursday night. Her family is now sitting shiva in the home of friends, as their own home was destroyed by the blaze.


In addition to this unimaginable loss, all of the Cohens’ belongings were burned as well. A Chesed Fund page has been opened to help them replace the basics, so that they can mourn in a home of their own, with clothing on their backs, and beds to sleep in. During this time of immense grief, these basics will give them back some semblance of their humanity. 



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