They gave up everything. Now they need your help for Pesach.

For the first time in his life, a hard-working father was going to stick out his hand and beg passerby for tzedakah


Before Purim, Keren Hashviis set out on a mission to send checks to struggling farmers, a way to ease their burden before the yom tov. Ira Zimmerman is a Shomer Shmitah farmer himself — and a member of the Keren Hashviis team. On the day before Purim, he knocked on the door of a fellow farmer’s home.

The farmer, a brave Gibor Koach who gave up his livelihood, was on his way out. Where was he heading? To stick out his hand and beg passerby for charity.

He’s a proud farmer who works for his livelihood — but Shmitah is difficult and his bank account was empty. He’d never had to ask for charity before, and this was going to be his first time — until Keren Hashviis showed up at his door.

CLICK HERE to hear Ira share the story first-hand.

Pesach is only weeks away. Your donation supports our heroic farmers and makes it possible for them to welcome yom tov with dignity. 


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