Watch: Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi David Lau visits the Jewish Community of Moldova

The Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi David Lau, made a quick visit to Moldova, to strengthen the Jewish community that has been assisting thousands of Jewish refugees from Ukraine.


Rabbi Lau visited the community as a guest of the community’s director, Rabbi Zushe Abelsky and Shliach, Rabbi Mendy Axelrod.

Rabbi Lau told Rabbi Abelsky: “I am excited to be here and to see with my own eyes the incredible, non-stop activity you are doing here for the refugees, and not shying away because the many expenses. You are an inspiration to the People of Israel and to the entire world.”

Rabbi Lau met with Rabbi Abelsky the Kishinev Shul, which was originally built in 1888.

Known as the Glaziers Shul, the synagogue thrived during this period of vibrant Jewish life in Kishinev.

The synagogue remained active until it was destroyed by the Nazi Air Force during World War II. After the war, the remaining Jewish community in Kishinev raised the funds and received permission from the Soviet government to reconstruct the synagogue. Almost nothing was left: the roof, walls, ceiling, doors, windows, and stairs had all been destroyed by the Nazis.

Many front-line soldiers who were wounded or crippled during the war took part in rebuilding the synagogue. Despite the physical challenges, they remembered that their parents and grandparents had davened in this shul, and it was important to them to rebuild it. Miraculously, the synagogue was rebuilt within a year. It was the only synagogue that the Soviets allowed to continue to operate during the Soviet era, albeit with many restrictions.

When the Soviet era came to a close, Chief Rabbi of Moldova, Rabbi Zalman Abelsky z”l, Shliach of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, came to Moldova. He brought back the vibrant Jewish life in Kishinev that the repressive Soviet government had tried to extinguish. The synagogue remained the central hub of Jewish life in Kishinev, though Rabbi Abelsky also built new Jewish schools, a pre-school, and a women’s teaching college. Jewish traditions came back to life in Moldova.

Today, Rabbi Zalman Abelsky’s incredible work is continued by his son’s, Rabbi Yosef Abelsky, who took over as Cheif Rabbi, and Rabbi Zushe Abelsky, who directs Chabad of Moldova. Additionally, there are three families of Shluchim who work each day to spread warmth and Judaism in Moldova, the Axelrod, Gotsel and Zalmanov families.

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