Bennett Zooms with Chabad of Moldova and Ukraine: ‘Am Yisroel Owes You’

Bennet Zooms with Chabad of Moldova and Ukraine: “Am Yisroel owes you.” 

On Tuesday, March 4th, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennet met with the leaders of Ukrainian Jewry. Bennet, who is in an attempt to mediate between Russia and Ukraine, listened carefully to the updates on the ground. 

Rabbi Zushe Abelsky, leader of the Moldovan Jewish community, briefed the Israeli Prime Minister on the efforts of Chabad of Moldova. During this time of crisis, Chabad of Moldova has been working around the clock, together with their team of over forty full-time staff members.

Among those present at the meeting was Rabbi Shmuel Kamintsky; Rabbi of Dnipro, Rabbi Meir Stumbler; Chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Ukraine, and Rabbi Yosef Wolf; Rabbi of the city of Kherson (now under Russian control). Additional representatives at the meeting included the Rabbi of the Kedem community in Kiev, which is made up of refugees from Donetsk; Rabbi Pinchas Vishtzky. Rabbi Shalom Gopin, who served as rabbi of Lugansk until the events of the violence eight years ago, was present as well.

The Prime Minister expressed his appreciation, on behalf of the Government and State of Israel, to Chabad emissaries around the world, and specifically in Ukraine. He stated that they demonstrate wonderful leadership, expressed in genuine concern for every member and society in their communities. “The people of Israel owe you,” said Bennett.

Chabad Moldova is currently running a campaign to support the thousands of refugees on the run.

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