Give Matonos Le’evyonim with Rav Chaim Kanievsky

Would you like to give matonos le’evyonim in the best possible manner while meriting yeshous this Purim?

A beloved relative of Rav Chaim Kanievsky is going through a massive crisis. He is tortured by creditors non-stop. He is a talmid chochom of the highest caliber, and involves himself in enormous chesed projects for klal Yisrael.

They are threatening to take away his house. He has little children at home, and he is poverty-stricken. Major stress and anxiety is plaguing his family without end!

The Sar HaTorah, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, made a psak din: the best possible way to contribute matanos le’evyonim this Purim is to donate to this talmid chochom. This psak was verified by Rav Kolodetsky, Rav Chaim’s son in law.

Moreover, Rav Chaim shlita will daven for anyone who donates $353 (the numerical value of שמחה) on Purim Day. Accordingly, you will merit שמחה, happiness, in your house.


Rebbitzin Kolodetsky, the daughter of Rav Chaim, will give over all donors’ names to the Gadol Hador on Purim, a day of incredible yeshous. He will daven for you and your family’s success!

Are you in need of an immediate yeshous? Here is your chance of having a personalized bracha from the gadol hador – an extremely powerful and unique bracha.

Join the gadol hador in his campaign to help this tzaddik in a time of distress.


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