Ask The Therapist:”Get Rid Of Anxiety” with Founder of ACT therapy Dr. Steven Hayes Free Event NOW

One Time Opportunity To Meet the Founder of the ACT Therapy (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)

Dr. Steven Hayes Ph.D. and to Learn How To Heal Yours and Your Family’s Lives!

ACT therapy is an Evidence-Based Practiced that is used all over the world. ACT is used by many frum licensed therapist!

Mordechai Weinberger LCSW has a weekly call in program called “Ask the Therapist”. This week

Mordechai will feature Dr Steven Hayes PhD. Dr Hayes will discuss the ACT system and teach us how to use it in our everyday lives. He will give a live demonstration on how to use his system. Dr Hayes will answer your live questions.

ACT Therapy is an evidence-based professional method of therapy that is proven to help people with Anxiety, Depression, OCD, Personality Disorder issues, Eating Disorders, addictions and everyday life Stressors.

The focus of this method is how to find peace in your life while you are Living Your Life!!

This one-time opportunity is Free to everyone!

The program will be Monday, March 7th from 9:15 PM – 11:30 PM You can join via zoom by clicking

or you can call in to 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 846 6512 4054#

About Dr Hayes:

Dr Hayes has written several best selling books such as “Get out of your mind and into your life” and

“The happiness trap: how to stop struggling and start living: a guide to act” and many more. He has written over 70 articles on

Dr Hayes has given two TEDx talks: or

His books are Amazon best sellers and translated into many languages.

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