Yomam VaLayalah – The Ki Hiem Chayeinu Global Siyum on Moed

Ki Heim Chayeinu Presents: Yomam V’layala – The Siyum on Moed 

Join and celebrate Torah for 2 whole days!

In honor of the completion of Seder Moed and the start of Seder Nashim, Ki Heim Chayeinu, a division of Agudas Yisroel, is launching a two-day Livestream event to unite Klal Yisrael in learning, celebration, and song. 

Be a part of it! 

The time is now – with the completion of seder Moed, we are already one third of the way through Shas!

To mark this milestone, Ki Heim Chayeinu brings you two full days of inspiration featuring the words of our great gedolim of yesteryear, zichronam livracha, digitally remastered with subtitles and english translations.Connect with Reb Moshe and Reb Yaakov, be inspired by Rav Gifter and Rav Schwab, relive the touching words of Rav Pam and the Klausenberger Rebbe and so many more.  The program also includes all-new interviews, musical presentations and divrei hisorirus, plus highlights from past Siyumim to relive the dancing, the music, and the majesty of Klal Yisrael’s global celebrations.

Ki Heim Chayeinu is at the forefront of spreading limud haTorah and enhancing the lives of yidden across the world. The 13th Siyum HaShas in Metlife Staduim saw a turning point for our nation as a whole, as 100,000 Jews of all stripes and types, young and old, banded together to promote learning Yomam Valayla. Now, with The Siyum on Moed, the mission of KI Heim Chayeinu to celebrate the never-ending cycle of Torah learning continues. 

Thanks to Ki Heim Chayeinu’s innovative vision, Initiatives such as the Masmidei HaSiyum and Masmidei HaShabbos have transformed the landscape of learning and the Shabbos experience for thousands upon thousands, involving the children in the learning and celebrations of their fathers and grandfathers. The Masmidei HaShabbos program is currently elevating shabbos for over 32,000 families through the learning curriculum, hotline, and prize incentives offered in schools and homes across the country. 

Tune in tomorrow and Wednesday at KHC.global

The Siyum on Moed – FULL PROGRAM GUIDE 

Tuesday 3/8

Daytime Programming 

9:00 AM – The Siyum Highlights 1953-2012

10:00 AM – Celebrating Moed – The Best of KHC Yom Tov Videos

11:00 AM – Highlights of the 12th and 13th SIyumim 

11:30 AM – Why We Learn? Featuring leading Gedolim 

12:00 PM – The Sweetness of Chazara featuring Vehaarev Na and Kiinyan Masechta

12:20 PM – Mishna Yomi feature

12:30 PM – The Joy of Iyun featuring Daf Hashavuah and the 7 Min Iyun Shiur

1:30 PM – Masmidei Hashabbos

2:00 PM – The Historic 12th Siyum Hashas at Metlife Stadium

6:00 PM – The Ki Heim Chayeinu Music of Moed

7:00 PM – The Siyum Countdown – Relive the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Siyumim

Featured Programming

8:00 PM – The Music and Dancing of the 13th Siyum

8:30 PM – HaRav Mordechai Gifter ZT”L – 8th Siyum Hashas

8:45 PM – HaRav Yaakov Kamenetsky ZT’L – 8th Siyum Hashas

9:00 PM – Harav Shimon Schwab ZT’L – 9th Siyum Hashas

9:45 PM – When We All Danced Together Official Music Video

10:00 PM – Learning for Life with Rabbi Yizchok Hisiger

10:30 PM – The Siyum Moments

10:45 PM – Rabbi Moshe Sherer – 10th Siyum Hashas

11:00 PM – HaRav Moshe Feinstein – 7th Siyum Hashas

11:15 PM – Why We Learn with Rav Yissocher Frand

11:30 PM – The Novominsker Rebbe ZT”L 9th Siyum Hashas

12:00 AM – Tribute to the Kedoshim 

12:15 AM – The 7 Minute Daf on Seder Moed 

Overnight Programming

12:30 AM – The 9th Siyum Hashas Replay

3:00 AM – The 12th Siyum Hashas Replay

Wednesday 3/9

Daytime Programming 

7:00 AM – The 13th SIyum Hashas – Dancing at Barclays Center

7:15 AM – A Look Back at Pesachim: The Ben Yomi Kashrus Series

8:30 AM – Vezakeini Medley from the 13th Siyum

9:00 AM – Q & A with Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky

9:45 AM – Daf Yomi in Halacha with Rav Dovid Grossman of the Bais Havaad

10:00 AM – Exploring Oraysa and Shas Illuminated

11:30 AM – The Music of Moed by Ki Heim Chayeinu

12:00 PM – Relive the 123th and 13th Siyumim 

1:15 PM – The 11th Siyum Hashas Replay 

5:30 PM – Living Lessons with Rabbi Paysach Krohn by Mamsidei HaSIyum

6:00 PM – The KHC Music of Seder Moed Feature

Featured Programming

8:00 PM – Daf Yomi Around The World

8:30 PM – The Sanz-Klausenberger Rebbe ZT”L – 8th Siyum Hashas  

9:00 PM – HaRav Yitzchok Scheiner ZT’L – 12th Siyum Hashas

9:30 PM – The Music of The Siyum

9:45 PM – Learning for Life – Find the Learning Program that Works for You, with Rabbi Yizchok Hisiger

10:30 PM – Rabbi Chaskel Besser – 10th Siyum Hashas

11:00 PM – Harav Yaakov Weinberg ZT’L – 10th Siyum Hashas

11:05 PM – HaRav Elya Svei ZT’L – 10th Siyum Hashas

11:20 PM – HaRav Avrohom Pam ZT’L  – 10th Siyum Hashas

12:00 AM – “Why We Learn” – Rabbi Eytan Feiner

12:15 AM – A Tribute to the Kedoshim 

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