Remote Removal of Ayin Harah: Now 178 Yeshuos! 52 Verified By Law Firm!

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On 22/2/22 Rav Doniel Hool received this email from a client who’s father had done the procedure with him:

“My father successfully sold his business in the mid-2000s. He was to retire and invest the proceeds in various ways. None of which appeared to be overly risky. For the following 16 years, he had nothing but grief. It felt like he was constantly swimming against the tide. The investments nearly bankrupt him. The situation was so dire he contemplated suicide on many occasions.  In the summer of 2021, he went to see Rav Hool. Shortly after, the tide started to turn. All the investments that had been a disaster changed direction in a very positive way. His stress disappeared, and he started for the first time in nearly 20 years, enjoying his retirement.  I’m a cynic and don’t believe in things I can’t prove. However, this was either a 1 in a million coincidence or something else I can’t explain.”
The above is just one of 178 success stories related by clients in the last 3 years!

 Three years ago when Rav Doniel Hool went to Hagaon Hatzaddik Rav Dovid Abuchatzera shlita to request his approbation for his procedure to remove ayin horah, Rav Dovid shlita told him: “You are successful with this (removing ayin horah)- you do not need my approbation!” Rav Dovid exclaimed three times: “You are a man who is blessed! You are blessed! You carry blessing with you!…. Bless me!” He then stretched out his hand to receive the brochoh of Rav Hool!

   It’s not just remarkable -it’s incredible! On his website in the last 3 years, there are over 220 documented recent cases where Rav Hool has told people- he has never met- or even seen-exactly what physical ailments they have, just by doing the procedure! There are also -as of this writing- 178 documented cases- (most of the cases where people have sent him emails) confirming the yeshuoh they had after the procedure! 

ALL(!) the emails published on his website (until 03/9/20) confirming his accurate reading of the lead, AND the emails people have sent him about the yeshuos they had after the procedure- ARE VERIFIED to be 100% genuine by an independent law firm!



Some of these yeshuos are literally staggering, like a woman who couldn’t lift her arm for two years, or a man who found parnossoh 72 hours after the procedure after 10 years of unemployment!

Some time ago Rav Hool received the following email from a client with Coronavirus: “B”H, I’m off the oxygen for 2 days already. Hope to leave the Rehab before Shabbos to go home IY”H.” In a subsequent email he writes he came off the oxygen 12 hours after procedure after 26 days dependant on oxygen!

Another email received from a client: “I have a tremendous amount of energy since you cleared the ayin harah. I have been davening with much more kavanah, learning more, and guarding my eyes, speech and thinking more carefully!”

Yet another; 05/09/19- Email received from a client who did a procedure for a shidduch for his 23 year old daughter: “Following our conversation/procedure on Sunday, my daughter started dating someone that Wednesday. IYH, we are looking forward to making a L’chaim tonight. Thank you.”

On his website there are 178 stories like these (!) almost all are pasted emails and some of them are absolutely incredible!  

The above pristine figure came out of the lead during a man’s procedure with Rav Hool. Rav Hool asked him if anyone in the family was pregnant. The man said his daughter was due in two weeks, so Rav Hool told him that from the lead it seems she is having a boy as you can see a briss! Indeed he was the kvater of his grandson two weeks later! (It is important to note that Rav Hool NEVER attempts to read the FUTURE, but in this case the lead implied she was CURRENTLY pregnant with a boy)  

 For nine years Rav Doniel Hool has been helping Yeiden around the world in matters like shidduchim, parnossoh, medical issues, fertility issues and so on-by doing the pouring of the lead procedure or Blei Gissen, to remove ayin horah.


Rav Hool only agrees to do the procedure if the client accepts upon himself to TRY to strengthen in any one -very small mitzvah- of their choice.


Rav Hool says: “They don’t need to tell me what their kabolloh is, and it is not a verbal promise- just a 100% intention to carry on this mitzvah. Preferably it is something they should be doing anyway and it is easy to do. For example many people have undertaken to be makpid to say modeh ani before getting out of bed in the morning. I feel I need this mitzvah so we can have Siyyatah Dishmayoh for the procedure to be effective.”


Rav Hool’s clients include Roshey Yeshivah and dayyonim from all over the world. One Rosh Yeshivah had trouble in finding a mitzvah he could take on, as he thought he was already doing everything. Rav Hool suggested he says Mizmor LeDavid at every meal as brought in the Mishna Brurah, and the Rosh Yeshiva said “That’s a great idea- I will take that on!”

So in the last year alone, there are thousands of mitzvos being done! Rav Hool says, “As the mitzvos keep on building up, we have a more and more powerful zechus for the next procedure to bring a yeshuoh IYH! 

When asked to what he ascribes his success- Rav Hool answers: “Everything is Siyyatah Dishamayoh! I feel a deep connection and responsibility to every Jew who has ever paid me to do the procedure for them and I continue to daven for them 3 times a day everyday. So maybe after our teffilos and the procedure and the mitzvah they take on -all combined-after that- Hashem sends the yeshuoh.”

Rav Hool charges for the procedure on the instruction of his rav, as there is considerable costs in lead and fuel as well as physical effort and time involved in each procedure.

It is no small matter that a prominent Av Beis Din has given his full endorsement! Here is the written endorsement he has from Hagaon Rav Mattisyahu Doitch Shlita -Dayan of the Badatz Eidah Chareides and Moreh D’asrah of Ramat Shlomo: 


Rav Hool relates: “In order to obtain Hagaon Rav Mattisyahu Doitch’s written haskomoh- he tested me out! He gave me the name of a female and her mother’s name and asked if I could identify her problem. Without knowing anything at all about her, Boruch Hashem I told him where her problem was and the rav confirmed that he was told by her family about it and that this problem was preventing her getting a shidduch. B’Chasdey Hashem-two months later I was dancing at her chasunah!”


A talmid of Yeshivas Ponevez (12 years) and Mir (15 years), it is intriguing Rav Hool has gotten into such a thing. But he says “I saw the procedure works, and I know Hagaon Rav Yisroel Yaakov Fisher ztz’l sent hundreds of people to do the procedure. The Tzemach Tzeddek ztz’l even has a teshuvoh allowing the lead to be heated up on shabbos to try and save someone’s life! I was also told by a prominent Rosh Yeshiva’s wife that she knows for a fact Rav Elyashiv ztz’l had the procedure done for himself numerous times”.


Rav Hool says, “I am not promising miracles chas vesholom, I am just doing the procedure that Boruch Hashem seems to be very effective at helping people, and the zechus of the mitzvah they undertake will stand for them lenetzach netzochim!”

Rav Hool also provides the powerful kamayoh of Rav Avrohom Chamuy ztz’l which is written by a sofer on special deer klaf according to Rav Chamuy ztz’l’s precise written instructions. Rav Chamuy ztz’l writes about it: “Tried and tested a thousand times……..he will NEVER, EVER BE HARMED!”

Also on his website is an audio lectures page where Rav Hool has some very interesting shiurim- We can really get a feeling of who Rav Hool is from listening to his shiurim. Of particular interest is the one on shmiras ha’eynayim where there has been some very positive feedback.

There’s also an inspiring shiur on Rosh Hashonoh, and an amazing terrifying true account of someone who went to shomayim for his din in the time of the Megaleh Amukos ztz’l.

Rav Hool is currently editing his sefer Meshorey Kitrin on Maseches Kesubos, which is a detailed pirush of all 1147 tosafos in the masechta. 

To order a procedure or the kamayoh -or just to listen to his inspiring shiurim, go to his website – but be patient, there is a high demand for his services!

Moreynu Rosh Hayeshivah- Manhig HaDor- Harav Hagaon Rav Gershon Edelstein shlitah, discussing divrey Torah with Rav Hool in Rav Hool’s home in 1997.

Hagaon Rav Mattisyahu Doitch Shlita -who endorses Rav Hool’s procedure-with Sar HaTorah Hagaon Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita

Rav Hool with the lachash of the Chidah ztz’l -part of his extensive procedure to get rid of ayin horah. 

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