The Jews in Ukraine drove on Shabbos to escape!

Before you read the update please understand we are writing about the specific group that was fortunate to make it from Medzibyzh to Belarus.

At this very moment, there are yidden trapped throughout Ukraine, and we are working feverishly to evacuate them to safety. WATCH VIDEO!

Hundred of thousands of dollars are needed for this effort!

Please continue to daven for the safety of all Yidden in Ukraine, and donate generously for their evacuation

….. Following the psak of great rabbonim who ruled that they continue their journey throughout Shabbos, they set out on Friday afternoon, northward, toward the Belarusian border.


“About 3:04 in the morning,” relates Pinsk’s Reb Moshe Fhima, a tireless askan and leader of the community, “I received the call that the busses made it to Ovruch, about 50 km from the border of Belarus. But the road was blocked off, and although the bribed Ukrainian soldiers were willing to let them through, they reported shooting on the other end of the road, making their approach to the border impossible.

“But Google Maps was working,” he tells us. “And we were able to guide the busses to the border through dirt roads all the way to the border, where our buses were waiting for them,” says Reb Moshe, who spent the entire Shabbos guiding them, and negotiating with authorities for their safety.

Shabbos afternoon, the community made it to Mazyr, Belarus, and from there they will be proceeding to Pinsk, where they will be absorbed into the institutions, and continue their spiritual journey.

“But the work is not finished,” says Reb Moshe. “We are fielding calls from many others who are trying to cross… but that road is no longer passable. Of course, we will continue to do everything in our power until every last Yid is brought to safety.”


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