Latest LIVE Updates From Chief Rabbi Bleich On War In Ukraine

The declaration of Russia recognizing Luhansk and Donetsk — and the announcement that Russian troops will move into the area — is basically equivalent to a declaration of war. Putin sees the Luhansk Republic and the New Republic as encompassing all of the oblast, which means he’s saying that he will move further into and invade Ukrainian territory.

There was a meeting of the Ukrainian Security Council on Tuesday evening (Kyiv time), after which an emergency situation was declared. An emergency situation doesn’t mean martial law, but it does give the police and the army certain rights. There will be checkpoints, closures of certain roads at certain times, and they’ll be beefing up protection of strategic locations throughout the country.

All of this increases the pressure on the Ukrainian population and makes it even more crucial for people — especially those with children — to be able to get out. As I’ve said previously, we’re in the process of setting up a base 100 miles outside of Kyiv that can accommodate 350 people, but we are short of funds to finish it. We’re also still looking further west in the event that we’ll G-d forbid need a second site even further away from Kyiv.

As of now, military analysts still think that the main incursion will take place in the south, then move east to west from Luhansk toward the Black Sea and west to east on the Black Sea toward Luhansk. This will give Putin a ground corridor between Russia and the Crimea.

This will close off practically all Ukrainian shipping (which has already been disrupted) because the Sea of Azov is off those southeastern oblast parts of the country. This means that supplies will become even more expensive, and harder to obtain.

UPDATE IN REAL TIME: As of 5:00 am Kyiv time, Putin announced a “special military operation” in Ukraine and the invasion has begun. Explosions are being heard right now in Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkov and other Ukrainian cities.

We have already started evacuating people from Kyiv. Another 150-200 people will be leaving today. These people need heat, food, generators, everything required for basic day-to-day living.

The president here has been urging people to stay calm. The Ukrainians want to protect every inch of their country and to not allow Russia to invade or take any part of it.

We are doing everything we can to prepare the Kyiv Jewish community. A new boiler will be arriving for the main building of the camp outside of Kyiv, and a new generator was purchased as well. We’ve stocked up on all the non-perishable food and the meat should be delivered in the next day or so. All of this, of course, requires funding.


Our once self-sufficient community has no choice but to ask for outside help to cover the monumental expenses we’re facing now. And it’s not just those who are evacuating. We need to provide for those who, for their own reasons (like people in assisted living facilities) cannot leave. Besides daily necessities, we have seven buildings that require armed security details.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars are needed to finance this effort to provide our Jewish brothers and sisters with basic necessities during this crisis. Lives are at stake, and it is within your ability to help.

 Please donate generously to support our brethren as they race against the clock to evacuate and keep our people safe in the face of the Russian invasion.

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