Community Luach Reunites Drowning Victim’s Family With Rescuer…30 Years Later!

In a remarkable twist of fate, the family of a drowning victim was reunited with his rescuer, 30 years after the incident.

The story unfolded on a Thursday morning, when Community Luach posted a classified ad for one of its users. The ad simply read, “Looking to hire a male driver 2 to 3 days a week, hours are approx 10-7 pm,” followed by some contact information. 

Community Luach is a collection of community-based WhatsApp groups, where members can view classifieds and other related content relevant to any specific community. It also provides members with the ability to submit their classified listings free of charge to be posted to their community WhatsApp group.

When this user posted her ad, all she hoped for was to find a driver. Little did she know she would discover and reconnect with the man who saved her brother’s life many years ago in Syria.

“What’s crazy is that the person who called for the job is someone who jumped into a pool to save my brother’s life back in Syria,” the woman told Community Luach, explaining that this story goes back over 30 years.

“No one knew he was drowning but he saw bubbles and jumped in,” she continued.

It should come as no shock that the family was thrilled to employ their long lost hero.

“My father was so happy to provide him with a job, we owe him our lives!” exclaimed the woman. 

The family was appreciative to Community Luach for creating the link, telling the service, “You have a tremendous Zechut for helping so many of us, Tizke Lemitzvot.”

While Community Luach is proud to have been instrumental in helping many members find jobs and apartments, sell items, provide services, and give away furniture, this is by far the most worthy connection they’ve facilitated yet.   

If you have a classified you’d like to post on Community Luach, send them a message HERE. If you uncover a remarkable story in the process, they’d definitely like to hear it! 

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