Join tens of thousands learning the daily limmud!

With the world starting Daf Yomi Behalacha today, the Virtual Halacha Program is starting an initiative to encourage others to join together to learn the daily limmud.

       We follow the “Daf Hayomi Behalacha” (Dirshu) schedule. In less than 20 minutes a day, the shiurim not only bring a clear understanding of the Shulchan Aruch, Rama and Mishnah Berurah, but also bring modern Poskim, both Sefard and Ashkenaz, including Rav Moshe Zt’l, Rav Shlomo Zalman Zt’l, Rav Ovadya Zt’l, and obviously morenu verabenu Harav Neventzahl Shlit’a to illuminate the final psak.

       In addition, we will be sending out extra material to enhance the learning, including a list of the Ikkar Mishnah Berurah, chazarah notes sent out on all the shiurim, pictures and charts, and a weekly quiz. There are interactive discussion groups to interact with the worldwide participants.

       Sign up now to connect to the worlds Daf Hayomi Behalacha, the Mesorah from Yeshiva, and most of all a practical way of infusing your day/week with more learning and Halacha Lemaaseh!

Click here to join!

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