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This Is How We Are Going To Solve The Tuition Crisis

You now have the opportunity to participate in the crowdfunding campaign of Mayan Loyalty, and at the same time become a founding member of Mayan Loyalty, and receive all the benefits that are exclusively reserved for its founding members.

What is Mayan Loyalty?

Mayan Loyalty is a new and innovative marketing platform that connects local merchants with the local community. They are a for-profit entity and are in Business to help Klal Yisroel. Their primary goal is that no Jewish child should be denied a Torah education due to financial difficulties.


How does it work?

Mayan Loyalty offers local stores to utilize all the features of its very sophisticated advertising platform, at no upfront cost to the merchants. They only charge a small transaction fee, once a purchase is made by a member of Mayan Loyalty, at a store that is participating in their network. 50% of their gross revenue, is given to Keren Yaldei Yisroel – a not-for-profit tuition fund.


How is Keren Yaldei Yisroel Funded?

Keren Yaldei Yisroel gets its funding from Mayan Loyalty, and does not have to solicit funds from individual donors. Mayan is a rewards loyalty program for the businesses and service providers in the local communities. Membership in Mayan is free. The members are encouraged to shop in the local stores, and the stores give a small fraction of the transaction to fund Keren Yaldei Yisroel. That way it is איש את רעהו יעזורו, the local community strengthens the ­financial health of local businesses, and in turn the local businesses help fund the biggest fi­nancial burden facing the Frum community – the tuition crisis. A myriad of stores have already partnered with Mayan Loyalty, and more are coming soon. With a strong Keren Yaldei Yisroel, no Jewish child will be denied a Torah education due to the fi­nancial difficulties of their parents.


How does someone apply to get help from Keren Yaldei Yisroel?

Keren Yaldei Yisroel, is available for any member of Klal Yisroel that wants to send their kids to Yeshiva to receive a Torah education, and has difficulty in paying the high tuition costs.

Since Keren Yaldei Yisroel gets its funding on a monthly basis from Mayan, the goal of Keren Yaldei Yisroel is to distribute ALL the funds that it has that month, to the various applicants that applied for tuition help in that month. There is a board that will decide how do distribute the funds based on the amount of funds that Keren Yaldei Yisroel has that month, and the needs of the applicants that applied for help in that month.

We anticipate that BEZ”H Keren Yaldei Yisroel will be accepting applications for the coming school year 5783, and start distributing funds beginning in Elul, 5782 (September, 2022). 

Have your same tuition dollars stretch over 3 years!
(Up to a maximum of the first 2 million dollars submitted)

You now have the opportunity to help establish Mayan / Keren Yaldei Yisroel, and at the same time help yourself or a fellow Yid.

For example: if you submit $5,000 during the campaign, you will receive a check for $1,000 after the campaign, (20% of the amount you submitted) to be used for the tuition of any student, learning at any Mosad of your choice.

In addition, Mayan Loyalty will give checks for the same amount that you submitted during the campaign, each year for the next 3 school years. So, the $5,000 that you submitted during the campaign, will grant you a total of $15,000 for the tuition of any child learning in any Mosad.

All funds submitted after we reached our goal of 2 million dollars, will get the benefit mentioned earlier, that they will receive a check after the campaign for 20% of the amount submitted, and in addition, Mayan Loyalty will give checks for the same amount that you submitted during the campaign, for the next school year only (not the next 3 years).

All funds given to Mayan Loyalty during the campaign are NOT tax-deductible. Furthermore, the Rabbanim, and Advisory Board Members, that agreed to help establish Keren Yaldei Yisroel and Mayan Loyalty, do NOT take any responsibility on the financial dealings between the parents and Mayan Loyalty / Keren Yaldei Yisroel. We explained to them in great detail how the mechanism works, and they gave us their Bracha that BEZ”H we should be successful in our endeavors in helping Klal Yisroel. Mayan Loyalty takes full responsibility that BEZ”H the same dollar amount of the funds submitted during the campaign, (with the addition of the 20% check that you get after the campaign) will be paid out in Schar Limud to the Mosad of your choice, for the student that you designate it for.

While we can NOT guarantee any money above the amount submitted during the campaign, (with the addition of the initial 20% check that we give after the campaign), we are confident that BEZ”H in the Zichus of the three Tzadikim that Keren Yaldei Yisroel was established –
הרה”ק ר’ ישעי’ מקרעסטיר זצוק”ל – הרה”ק מריבניץ זצוק”ל הרה”ק מטאהש זצוק”ל – the above-mentioned benefit, that your same tuition dollars will stretch over three years, should actually materialise.


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