Terror In Ukraine: First Civilian Casualties Announced This Morning


 The smell of diesel and terror fill the smoky air as Ukranian citizens bunker out in shelters, surrounded by the deafening sound of bombs dropping from the sky. Russia launched a full-scale attack on Ukraine as of 5 A.M Israel time this morning and there have already been several tragic civilian casualties reported despite Russia’s claimed attempt to avoid civilian deaths. As of a few hours ago, the situation escalated when Ukraine’s airspace was closed and all flights were cancelled.


For the frum community living in Ukraine, an already hated demographic consisting of many young children and vulnerable elderly halocaust survivors, they are in a perilous war zone, and there is no means of escape. Rav Paysach Krohn has spearheaded an emergency campaign to hire security guards that can keep thousands of frum people of Ukraine safe. As a shadow of death hangs over the country, Uman’s Jews are praying that they will get the help they need to come out of this alive.




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