13 PCS Accounting Students Selected as Finalists for NJCPA Scholarship Award!

Every year, the NJCPA Scholarship Fund, attracts the best and brightest New Jersey students into the accounting profession by providing tuition scholarships of $6,500 dollars to each eligible student. 

Scholarship recipients are bright, motivated, and passionate about their chosen profession of accounting. Awards are based on academic performance, essay, and personal interview.

“We are very pleased that thirteen of our FDU-PCS accounting students were selected by the NJCPA as finalists to be interviewed for the NJCPA scholarship. This is a very large number of finalists for any one school in NJ and is a reflection on our continuing excellent accounting program and the many hard-working dedicated students,” says Ron West, chair of the Accounting, Law, and Taxation Department at FDU and director of the MS in Taxation Program. 

With a 96 percent placement rate, this program was ranked by Eduniversal in 2021 as a Best Master’s in accounting programs. The next cohort of the acclaimed PCS/ FDU Masters in Accounting will be starting in the spring (after Pesach). For more information contact: [email protected] or 732-905-9700 ext. 665 or /AccountingDegreeInformation

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