Parenting Kids with Big Emotions

Parenting an emotionally sensitive child is tough

It doesn’t have to feel impossible

Tantrums. Out of control behavior. A child who’s scared of her own reactions. 

This is not the life you envisioned when you held your daughter for the first time. 

Some children experience the world more intensely. 

The way they process and react corresponds to this intensity, but from the outside it looks out of whack.

It’s a sad path: 

Extreme reaction ->
Punishment, criticism, judgment ->
Feelings of rejection and invalidation->
Needs attention and acts out to get it

With the strategies and tools you will learn you can break the cycle and change their path

Emotionally sensitive  input->
Acceptance, validation, choice->
Positive reinforcement->
Feelings of success  and progress->
Motivation to continue working and growing


You and your daughter will feel empowered. You’ll know how to face challenging emotional situations and how to create the environment that will make your daughter successful.

“Strategies and tools can do all that? 

I don’t know…we’ve already tried other parenting courses!” 

You’ve heard from expert parents before. 

But you haven’t tried this. 

Learn from an expert in training you to be an excellent parent.

Dr. Chaya Lieba Kobernick trained and worked closely with the developer of DBT-C, a therapy with evidence of helping emotionally sensitive kids. 

Now she’s bringing that experience to the frum world. 

Quote: “This is like the handbook you wish you’d gotten with your first child.” – Dr. Kobernick

You, not a therapist, should be your daughter’s most trusted adult. 

You, not a therapist, should help your daughter cope. 

And you can learn exactly how.


Parenting Kids with Big Emotions will run 

Thursdays 12:30pm – 2:00 pm EST

The first module will begin on Feb 7, 2022:

  • 3 weeks of ‘Foundations and Mindfulness’
    • Understanding your emotionally sensitive child, mindful parenting
  • 5 weeks of ‘Emotion Regulation for Parents’
    • Managing your own emotions so you can parent expertly during outbursts

The next module will begin on April 4, 2022:

  • 3 weeks of ‘Foundations and Mindfulness’
  • 5 weeks of ‘Validating, Acceptance, and Change’
    • Learn how to express your understanding of your child to open the door for change

The third module will begin on June 13, 2022:

  • 3 weeks of ‘Foundations and Mindfulness’
  • 5 weeks of ‘Creating a Change Ready Environment’
    • All the techniques broken down so you can create an environment that supports your child’s changes

Each module includes ‘Foundations and Mindfulness’ because it will return to the fundamentals to strengthen them, before adding new techniques and understandings. 

You pay for and commit to just one module at a time, so:

  • Modules can be completed independently
  • You can join at the start of any module
  • If you need to take a break, you won’t have to pay for the whole course again


You can completely alter her future.

Let’s make that happen. 


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