An Online Seminary. Learning for Life.

Are you a Jewish woman looking for more structured learning in your day-to-day life? Perhaps you’re returning from a year in Eretz Yisroel. Or maybe you’re considering your post-high school options. Whether you’re a seasoned seminary girl or a mother of four, CyberSem has the right learning program for you!

On Sunday, February 20th, CyberSem is kicking off their new semester, where you’ll experience exciting courses, dynamic instructors, and take away critical skills for everyday life!

The premiere online seminary program, CyberSem is all about providing Jewish women with key life skills and impactful takeaways from a wide array of engaging, interactive courses. CyberSem’s courses cover all manner of insightful topics, ranging from Accelerated Chumash 101 to Mishlei’s Meanings.

Whether you want to earn college credit or simply engage in thoughtful Torah learning, the choice is yours! You can browse a full list of the offered courses on their website at

Constant, practical Torah learning should play a role in every Jewish woman’s life, and CyberSem’s mission is to provide that experience to all who attend, at a price point that is far more accessible than many institutions.

At the recent Midwest Agudah Convention, Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst, Dayan of Agudas Yisroel of Illinois, spoke about the exorbitant costs of many seminaries in Eretz Yisroel and America.

“The cost today is about twenty-five to thirty-five thousand dollars.” Dayan Fuerst said.

CyberSem’s competitive pricing is a direct response to this issue. No one should be priced out of a meaningful learning experience. CyberSem is accessible to all, all while providing integral skills through high-impact learning, from the comfort of your location.

Hurry and register for the February semester TODAY at to start learning for life! Deadline: Sunday, February 20th, 2022

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