URGENT UPDATE 02/10: The courts have increased the sentence from 25 years to a lifetime sentence. If we don’t raise the funds soon, an innocent father of five will perish in prison. We call on every member of Klal Yisroel to donate towards his immediate release, for every second his health is failing. Thank you and tizku l’mitzvos!
“Pidyon shvuyim comes before feeding and clothing the poor, there is no greater mitzvah than pidyon shvuyim.” (Rambam)
This week, a man in our community has been imprisoned for crimes he did not commit. Rabbonim chashuvim have officially paskened this matter as urgent pidyon shvuyim. The case is an extremely urgent one, where every second matters, for his health is failing in prison as we speak.
The shulchan aruch writes: “Every moment that one delays in freeing captives, in cases where it is possible to expedite their freedom, is considered to be tantamount to murder.” We therefore urge every person to please generously donate $550 towards the release of his captivity.
In the zechus of your kindness, we should all merit bikarov to emerge from slavery to freedom, from mourning to happiness, and from darkness to light. The days that are coming should bring freedom in the greatest sense of the word. It should be the last time we should have to redeem Jewish captives from jail!
Thank you and tizku L’mitzvos!
Rav Belsky