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Tonight! Join the Yudi Dukes Memorial event to remember Rabbi Yudi Dukes Z”L on the evening of his Yahrzeit.

Rabbi Shais Taub will be giving the memorial along with a musical tribute by Benny Friedman and Eli Marcus.

Rabbi Yudi Dukes directed JNet – Jewish Learning Network. His passion was Torah and he worked tirelessly to bring Limud HaTorah to more Yidden.

Tragically, Yudi was taken from us way too young.

Tonight, JNet – The Jewish Learning Network is honoring Yudi’s memory and launching Yudi’s Legacy. Join this moving and uplifting event at

You will cry and laugh along with Yudi’s wife and children. You will be uplifted by Rabbi Shais Taub’s unique memorial and you will enjoy the best of Benny and Eli.

Monday 8 Shevat – Jan 10


Watch live at

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