Looking to Enter the IT Field?
IT Desktop and Network Support Course Open House!
Train for a quality job in the exploding field of IT.
Receive hands-on training in: computer hardware and configuration, operating systems and software, network hardware and technologies, active directory, and more.
Over 90% employment rate from previous class
Remote option!
The PCS/ Agudath Israel course placement advantage:
– 8 placement coordinators
– Decades of relationships with hundreds of firms
– Identifying job opportunities through PCS/ Agudath Israel vast network
Open House: January 5, 7:30 PM
PCS: 1771 Madison Ave
Remote open house: Email: raizy@nj.pcsjobs.org for Zoom/ Conf number
Info: call 732-905-9700 ext. 606 or email nj@nj.pcsjobs.org or visit /ITNetworkingCourseInformation
Over 90 % Employment Rate for PCS IT Desktop and Network Support Course!