Please daven for Nechemia Ben Shulamis

R’ Nechemia Ben Shulamis is a father of 8 in Beit Shemesh, Israel, and is currently struggling with a tumor that has pressed up against his spine causing multiple painful symptoms that make it incredibly difficult to function normally. Difficulty walking, muscle weakness in the arms and legs, and radiating pain throughout the body have become daily tzaros. R’ Nechemias wife is also bedridden, recovering from an operation for a slipped disk all while taking care of 6 young children. 

In addition to all of this, his newborn premature twins are in Hadassa Har Tzofim. Giving birth to premature babies is unexpected for any parent, and coincided with the parents own medical matzavs, causes unbearable stress- the physical, emotional, and financial pain is crushing. 


Currently, R’ Nechemia is hospitalized at Hadassa Ein Kerem, and with the mother bedridden, they have no one to rely on or help care for their young children, no parnassah for food and their medical bills continue to accumulate day after day. 

This is a dire situation, and the Lev family now turns to Klal Yisroel for help in restoring the family to be able to afford a full-time helper and basic necessities. The expenses are tremendous. Rabbi Chanoch Davidman, Director of Our HaTorah, can personally vouch for the needs of this Choshiv family, and by donating generously, one is fulfilling a great mitzvah.


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