Please daven for Moshe Yaakov ben Yehudit

Moshe Yaakov is a committed father and friend of many. Unfortunately, he has been hospitalized for several weeks, and in is in a long course of recovery and financial stability. 

Moshe Yaakov is the primary source of parnassah for his family, and with household and medical bills piling up, his family accumulates more debt each day. Money for rent, insurance, chinuch, electricity, food, and out-of-pocket medical costs are necessities most families are able to afford. Moshe’s wife and children now turn to Klal Yisroel and beg for support, allowing Moshe the opportunity to continue caring for his family in the most basic ways. CLICK TO DONATE!

This is a major mitzvah of Bikur Cholim, extending aid to the sick, and in the merit of this tremendous mitzvah, your family should have good health and plentiful parnassah to be able to continue giving generously. CLICK HERE TO DONATE!

Please daven for Moshe Yaakov ben Yehudit

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