The Ki Heim Chayeinu Global Siyum on Maseches Taanis TONIGHT! @ 8:00 PM Mazel Tov!

We’ve all been enjoying our learning of the short Masechtas  in Seder Moed, with geshmak of the wonderful agadata gemaras and relatable sugyos, making siyumim together every month.

Now, what could be more geshmak than an agatata gemara with lessons and stories from the daf told to us by the one and only, world renowned, Rabbi Dovid Orlovsky?

Join us tonight for an incredible program:

Ki Heim Chayeinu’s siyum on Maseches Taanis

Featuring: Stories from The Daf…Never before released music and dancing from The Siyum at Barclays…Elevate your Shabbos with Masmidei HaShabbos featuring Rav Yosef Elephant Shlit”a…

And…Announcing the launch of the 14th Cycle of Mishnah Yomi, with divrei chizuk from gedolei yisroel. 

Don’t miss this exciting program – Streaming LIVE Tonight at 8pm right here and on KHC.GLOBAL. 

You can call in too – 806-666-4-KHC. 

Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov!

Ki Heim Chayeinu, a division of Agudas Yisrael, has been charged with a mission by the  Novominsker Rebbe zt”l to  inspire Klal Yisrael, bringing Torah to life, by bringing Torah into our lives. 

Starting with Maseches Shabbos, Ki Heim Chayeinu launched an initiative to elevate Shabbos, the mekor habrachah, through a deeper understanding of the tefillos and zemiros of Shabbos.

To receive our weekly Shabbos emails designed to bring your shabbos table to life, sign up at [email protected] and to join the Ki Heim Chayeinu email list for participating the in Torah initiatives that are changing Klal Yisrael, please email [email protected]

See you TONIGHT!

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