Incredible: Rav Chaim Says Whoever Does This Will See No Harm



“BSD Cheshvan 5782


I ask everyone to partner with me to save the life of my friend, a huge talmid chacham…His situation has touched my heart and is close to being one of pikuach nefesh. All those who help, I will remember them for good. They will merit to raise their children to Torah and to the chuppah, and no sickness or harm should befall upon their families. They will be blessed with children, life and sustenance. 


Chaim Kanievsky”


Right now, a massive talmid chochom in Eretz Yisroel and dear student of Rav Chaim Kanievsky is lying on his deathbed, weak and ill. Rav Chaim is urging Klal Yisroel to open up their hearts and do what they can to save him in this urgent case of Pikuach Nefesh. The Gadol Hador clearly and directly requests in his letter that everyone partner with him, and he has offered something incredible for those who do so: “No sickness or harm should befall upon their families.”


But there’s more– All those who donate extra generously towards this campaign will receive a special coin with the Bracha of Rav Chaim engraved upon it– A physical symbol of the agreement between you and the Gadol Hador. A symbol of Rav Chaim’s gratitude for your generosity, in honor of your contribution to this extremely important cause.


Donate now to save a tzadik’s life and to receive Rav Chaim’s most sought-after Brocha for protection from all harm. 



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