Watch This Kiddush Hashem – A Ted Talk on Emunah

Even though R’ Moshe Gersht lives in Yerushalaim, a few weeks ago he returned from giving his TEDx Talk in Atlanta, Georgia. In his talk, titled The Two Conditions to Unconditional Happiness, Rav Gersht gives us a taste of what it means to live in Olam Hazeh while staying connected to Olam Haba and feeling happy, loving, and at peace in the process. These two conditions are the secret to life and as he says in the video regarding hashgacha pratis “It’s not that some people are lucky. It’s that some people are looking.” By the end of the talk, we are given four questions that can help guide us in the direction of our hearts desire.

Reb Moshe, who is the author of Succos Inspired, and the Wall Street Journal Bestseller It’s All The Same To Me, spent the last decade and a half learning in the Mir by Rav Asher Arieli Shlita, has semicha from Rav Asher Weiss shlita, and is a close talmid of Rav Beryl Gershenfeld, Rosh Yeshiva of Machon Shlomo and Machon Yaakov. He teaches in Yeshivas and works privately with individuals looking to grow spiritually.

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